Pursuant to Section 13(1) Unclaimed Monies Act 1965, when the claimant can prove that he/she is the rightful owner of Unclaimed Monies and the Registrar upon being satisfied that the claimant is the owner of the unclaimed monies shall authorize payment to be made to him.

There is no limit by the Registrar. It can be claimed at any time by the rightful owner of the Unclaimed Monies.

There is no minimum amount set by the Registrar.

No charge will be imposed on application for Unclaimed Monies that have been submitted to Registrar.
Pursuant to Section 11(3), Unclaimed Monies Act 1965, the amount of payment made is based on amount submitted to Registrar from company/firm without any interest.

The Registrar of Unclaimed Monies does not appoint any individual or company as a middle person or agent in matters relating to claim of Unclaimed Monies.

In accordance with Section 10A of the Unclaimed Monies Act, the submission of UM by the company/firm will be gazetted. The Registrar will submit the submission record to Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad (PNMB) for the gazetting process. Once gazetted, the record is open to public disclosure. Gazette documents are also sold to the public by PNMB apart from being sent to the National Library of Malaysia for public reference. Based on this gazette information, there are parties who use it to act as agents. The Registrar and the Ministry of Finance have never appointed an agent to manage unclaimed monies.


The Registrar has no information other than that which has been gazetted. Accordingly, the owner must submit a claim application to the Registrar through the counter, registered post or eGUMIS portal. Any personal information obtained by the agent such as telephone numbers, emails, etc., may be obtained from other irresponsible parties. Any misuse of personal information should refer back to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010.

Section 10A (1) of the Unclaimed Monies Act 1965 states that companies/firms are required to submit the unclaimed monies register (UMA3) to the Registrar for the purpose of gazetting by Percetakan Nasional Berhad. Gazetted unclaimed monies record shall be kept in the National Library for public reference.

Only unclaimed monies record that have been gazetted can be viewed and claimed.

Yes, there is a facility for searching the Unclaimed Monies via online at our eGUMIS portal through the following link: https://egumis.anm.gov.my/

An individual and company/firm can search their Unclaimed Monies via online using identification number and company registration number.

Claimant can search the Unclaimed Monies via online through these following steps: 

Step 1
 : Visit the portal https://egumis.anm.gov.my/

Step 2 : Register user by online.

Step 3 : Log in the portal using the password key in during registration. 

Step 4 : Update the user information. 

Step 5 : Click at "CLICK HERE TO SEARCH FOR UNCLAIMED MONIES" to search the unclaimed Monies using identification number and company registration number and print the unclaimed Monies detail (if any)

Step 6 : Click â??Printâ??, if needed.

Claimant can login directly using password set on registration. If user forgets the password: 

Step 1
 : Visit the portal https://egumis.anm.gov.my/

Step 2 : Click at �??Forgot Password�??.

Step 3 : Key in registered email. 

Step 4 : Check your registered email. If not received, please check your �??Junk Mail�?? 

Step 5 : Re log in using password received.


If there is any difficulties, eGUMIS users may contact the System Administrator via Contact Us : Complaint/Feedback. Please click on the link provided.

eGUMIS users can contact the System Administrator via Contact Us : Complaint/Feedback. Please click on the link provided.

If eGUMIS user does not log in to the eGUMIS portal after receiving the password for more than 30 days, the account will be automatically deactivated.

Yes, the period of active users is 6 months from the date of last login to eGUMIS portal. The user account will automatically be deactivated and the user will need to sign up as a new user.

Please take the following actions :


Step 1 : Refer to the Tab : Contact Us

Step 2 : Submit a complaint/feedback using the link provided

For example :


Please provide the correct identification number if the number was incorrectly keyed in on registration.

All Unclaimed Monies information online are based on the record of submission from the entity (company/firm) to the Registrar and has been gazetted.

UM checking can be done at the Registrar's Office or the State/Branch Accountant General's Department of Malaysia (AGD) Office, or by checking the Government Gazette kept at the National Library of Malaysia.

Applicants can submit the original document or a confirmation letter from the company/firm that can prove the ownership of the UM at the Registrarâ??s Office or any nearby State/Branch Accountant General's Department of Malaysia (AGD). Please refer to the UM Registrar's Office address and the list of addresses of the State/Branch AGD on the website www.anm.gov.my. Applicants may also refer to the company/firm that surrendered the Unclaimed Monies for its status.

All Unclaimed Monies information is based on the record of submission from the entity (company/firm) to the Registrar. For the purpose of the Unclaimed Monies application, the claimant must print out the Unclaimed Monies information and refer to the company/firm that surrendered the Unclaimed Monies for confirmation letter and explanation.

Yes, the online UM claim application is provided by the Registrar through the following portal link : 



The online claim application form can be completed after the UM review process and eGUMIS user can select the UM records.


Applicants are required to upload the relevant supporting documents for the purpose of submitting UM Application Form.

Applications for Unclaimed Monies are allowed to be made to parties as follows:

a) The owner of Unclaimed Monies,

b) The estate administrator that have been appointed in Letter of administration

c) Liquidator for a company that in the process of winding up

d) Individual or company/firm that have been mentioned in the Court Order; or

e) Companies Commission of Malaysia/Malaysian Department of Insolvency for a company that has been fully dissolved.


eGUMIS users can make WTD online application by the following steps:

Step 1 : Visit the eGUMIS Portal link : 

Step 2 : Click Here To Search WTD

Step 3 : Tick on the WTD record and click on â??Continue with Applicationâ??

Step 4 : Click Add Recipient, enter the bank information then click save

Step 5 : Upload the supporting documents for Mandatory categories

Step 6 : Tick the two boxes to agree with the eGUMIS acknowledgment and terms and conditions, then click submit


Application will only be processed after the documents are being verified.


Step 7 : Application status may be checked via eGUMIS portal.

Pleased be informed that they are two stages of verification of supporting documents for the purpose of WTD application.


Therefore, the WTD refund process in the action by receiving the following notification :



The process of validating the documents supporting for your WTD application was successful.

Your WTD application is being processed.

The payment will be credited to your account within 30 working days from the date of this notification.

Please log in to the egUMIS Portal : https//:egumis.anm.gov.my for more information (FAQ).

Thank you for using eGUMIS Portal service.

This is a computer generated. Signature is not required.

Please refer to the following steps :


Step 1 : Log in to the eGUMIS Portal

Step 2 : Click the Tab Summary/Application List

Step 3 : Refer the Status Field


There are eight (8) types of status :



Application has not been sent


Application has been sent and waiting for document verification 1


Applicationâ??s document is being queried please refer to the query information


Application has been verified and waiting for document verification 2


Applicationâ??s document is being queried please refer to the query information

vi. NEW

Application has been verified and sent for payment process

vii. Completed

Payment has been processed


Application has been rejected please submit a new application.

Please refer to the following notification :




We are sorry.


The process of validating the documents supporting for your WTD application was not successful.


Please refer to the query description as follows: (Refer to the document verification information)


Please log in to the eGUMIS Portal : https//:egumis.anm.gov.my for more information to re-upload the required documents.


Thank you for using eGUMIS Portal service.


This is a computer generated. Signature not required.



The actions that need to be taken are as follows:

Step 1 : Clik Update Documents

Step 2 : Clik delete in the action field, the reupload the right document

Step 3 : Clik submit to resubmitting the application form

Applications with draft status will be kept for 7 days before being automatically deleted by the system. The search and filling of the form must be done again to continue the application after the 7-day period.

Applications with draft status will be kept for 3 months before being automatically deleted by the system. The search and filling of the form must be done again to continue the application after the 3-month period.

Applications will be kept for 2 years before being automatically deleted by the system. Please contact our office for further inquiry.

a)    Identity card (both side) for Malaysian citizen

b)    Document for change of name by related agencies (if any)

c)    Renunciation of Malaysian citizenship from National Registration Department if claimant has relinquishing their citizenship

d)    Latest passport and the old passport when transaction has been made in Malaysia for non-Malaysian citizen certified by Public Notary/ Consulate Officer for the Country

e)  The Country's Identification documents for non-Malaysian citizen certified by Public Notary/ Consulate Officer for the Country

f)     Registration certificate and certificate of incorporation on change of name of company/firm (if any)

 *copy of the documents must be clear*

Active account document is a copy of the bank account book or bank account statement that is still active for payment to be credited directly.


A copy of the bank account book or bank account statement must be complete with the name as in the identity document, bank account number and bank name. Any handwriting without a bank confirmation stamp is NOT PERMITTED.


If there is no copy of the bank account book or a valid bank account statement as above, the individual/company can obtain an active account confirmation letter from the bank.

1.     Form UMA-7 via eGUMIS

2.     A copy of applicant's identity card (both sides)

3.     A copy of the front page of an active account passbook/bank statement of the applicant (payment will be directly credited into the account).  

Note: Tabung Haji Account/Investment Account/Loan Account not acceptable

4.     The ORIGINAL confirmation letter from the company/firm which surrendered the Unclaimed Moneys to Registrar (if the eGUMIS information is different with the applicant's information/ owner's identification)


Note: ORIGINAL documents must be submitted via counter/registered post within 7 working days upon submission of online application

1.     Form UMA-7 via eGUMIS

2.     A copy of applicant's identity card (both sides)

3.     A copy of the front page of an active account passbook/bank statement of the applicant (payment will be directly credited into the account).  

Note: Tabung Haji Account/Investment Account/Loan Account not acceptable

4.    The ORIGINAL confirmation letter from the company/firm which surrendered the Unclaimed Moneys to Registrar (if the eGUMIS information is different with the applicant's information/ owner's identification)



·       For Savings Accounts/Current Accounts/Fixed Deposits type of claim(s) amounting RM10,000 and above for year of submission 2017 and below, an original confirmation letter from the bank submitted the UM must be attached.

·       For claim(s) of UM by joint accounts which require single/jointsignatures, application shall be made jointly by all account holders.

·     For Savings Account (Trust Account) type of claim(s), any party may apply by submitting a copy ofthe parentâ??s/guardianâ??s identity card and birth certificate of the child.


Note: ORIGINAL documents must be submitted via counter/registered post within 7 working days upon submission of online application



1.     Form UMA-7 via eGUMIS

2.     A copy of applicant's identity card (both sides)

3.     A copy of the front page of an active account passbook/bank statement of the applicant (payment will be directly credited into the account).  

Note: Tabung Haji Account/Investment Account/Loan Account not acceptable

4.     Either two (2) out of three (3) of the following documents:

        i.     The ORIGINAL banker's cheque/bank draft/cashier's order;

       ii.     The ORIGINAL customer's copy of the Remittance Application Form for the banker's cheque/bank draft/cashier's order with the clear banking transaction information printed on the copy;

  iii.     The ORIGINAL confirmation letter from the bank which surrendered the Unclaimed Moneys bearing the details in a prescribed format.


·       In the event that the original bank draft or banker's check made in the name of the Director-General of Immigration, Director-General of Inland Revenue Board or Director-General of Public Sector Home Financing Board or any Government Agencies cannot be submitted, the applicant must obtain a waiver from the Headquarters of the respective agencies. 

·      If document (i) and (ii) could not be provided, a release letter from applicant/recipient of the bankerâ??s cheque/bank draft/cashierâ??s order must be attached; and

·       Duly completed General 80 form and Indemnity Bond form (UMA-8) signed before a Sessions Court Judge, Magistrate or Commissioner for Oaths, applicant and witness with a RM10 revenue stamp endorsed by Inland Revenue Board (IRB) for each of the UM.

Note: ORIGINAL documents must be submitted via counter/registered post within 7 working days upon submission of online application

1.     Form UMA-7 via eGUMIS

2.     Latest passport and the old passport when transaction has been made in Malaysia for non-Malaysian citizen certified by Public Notary/ Consulate Officer for the Country

3.     A copy of the front page of an active account passbook/bank statement of the applicant (clearly stated the applicant's full name, account number, bank's name, bank's address and national clearing code (FW/SC)/ Swift Code) (payment will be credited to the account)

4.     Following documents:

                         i.         The ORIGINAL document (e.g bank account passbook/fixed deposit certificate etc); or

                        ii.         The ORIGINAL confirmation letter from the company/firm which surrendered the Unclaimed Moneys to Registrar (if the original document is unavailable); and

                       iii.         Other documents as per type of Unclaimed Moneys


Note: ORIGINAL documents must be submitted via counter/registered post within 7 working days upon submission of online application


Application for Unclaimed Monies under the company's name must be made by the company/firm itself. No payment will be made to director, shareholders, employees or etc except for a sole proprietor ship or partnership that can be made to the owner of the company.

1.     Form UMA-7 duly completed and signed by the authorized company�??s offi­cer, stating his name and designation, and affixed with the company�??s/firm�??s offi­cial seal.

2.     An authorization letter for the company�??s offi­cer signing the application form together with a copy of the offi­cers identity card and work pass (if available).

3.     A copy of the certificate of registration of the company/firm and change of name (if applicable).

4.     A copy of a bank statement (active current account) bearing the company�??s full name, account number and bank�??s name or account active confirmation letter from the bank (payment will be directly credited into the account).

5.     The original document (e.g.: bank account passbook/fixed deposit certificate etc).

6.     A confirmation letter from the company which surrendered the UM to the Registrar (if applicable) or if the UM�??s details are incomplete.

Note: ORIGINAL documents must be submitted via counter/registered post within 7 working days upon submission of online application

1.     Form UMA-7 duly completed and signed by the authorized companyâ??s offi­cer, stating his name and designation, and affixed with the companyâ??s/firmâ??s offi­cial seal.

2.     An authorization letter for the companyâ??s offi­cer signing the application form together with a copy of the offi­cers identity card and work pass (if available).

3.     A copy of the certificate of registration of the company/firm and change of name (if applicable).

4.     A copy of a bank statement (active current account) bearing the companyâ??s full name, account number and bankâ??s name or account active confirmation letter from the bank (payment will be directly credited into the account).

5.     Either two (2) out of three (3) of the following documents:

         i.     The ORIGINAL banker's cheque/bank draft/cashier's order;

        ii.    The ORIGINAL customer's copy of the Remittance Application Form for the banker's cheque/bank draft/cashier's order with the clear banking transaction information printed on the copy;

   iii.   The ORIGINAL confirmation letter from the bank which surrendered the Unclaimed Moneys bearing the details in a prescribed format.


·       In the event that the original bank draft or banker's check made in the name of the Director-General of Immigration, Director-General of Inland Revenue Board or Director-General of Public Sector Home Financing Board or any Government Agencies cannot be submitted, the applicant must obtain a waiver from the Headquarters of the respective agencies. 

·      If document (i) and (ii) could not be provided, a release letter from applicant/recipient of the bankerâ??s cheque/bank draft/cashierâ??s order must be attached; and

·       Duly completed General 80 form and Indemnity Bond form (UMA-8) signed before a Sessions Court Judge, Magistrate or Commissioner for Oaths, applicant and witness with a RM10 revenue stamp endorsed by Inland Revenue Board (IRB) for each of the UM.

Note: ORIGINAL documents must be submitted via counter/registered post within 7 working days upon submission of online application

1.     Form UMA-7 duly completed and signed by the authorized companyâ??s offi­cer, stating his name and designation, and affixed with the companyâ??s/firmâ??s offi­cial seal.

2.     An authorization letter for the companyâ??s offi­cer signing the application form together with a copy of the offi­cers identity card and work pass (if available).

3.     A copy of the certificate of registration of the company/firm and change of name (if applicable).

4.     A copy of a bank statement (active current account) bearing the companyâ??s full name, account number and bankâ??s name or account active confirmation letter from the bank (payment will be directly credited into the account).

5.     A letter of clarification in relation to the application.

6.     A confirmation letter regarding the surrender and information on the UM.

7.     Proof of payment which has been certified by the companyâ??s offi­cer.

8.     A copy form UMA-3 certified by the companyâ??s o­fficer.

9.     Duly completed General 80 form and Indemnity Bond form (UMA-8) signed before a Sessions Court Judge, Magistrate or Commissioner for Oaths, applicant and witness with a RM10 revenue stamp endorsed by Inland Revenue Board (IRB) for each of the UM.

Note: ORIGINAL documents must be submitted via counter/registered post within 7 working days upon submission of online application

1.  Form UMA-7 duly completed and signed by the applicant (Heir/Administrator)


2.  A copy of applicant's (Heir/Administrator) identity card (both sides)/passport (for non-citizen)


3. A copy of the front page of an active account passbook/bank statement of the applicant (payment will be directly credited into the account).


Note: Tabung Haji Account/Investment Account/Loan Account not acceptable


4. A copy of the Death Certificate


5. A Letter of Administration or Grant of Probate from the High Court/Local Authorities/Officials of Sabah or Sarawak, the Department of the Director-General of Federal Lands and Mines/Amanah Raya Berhad consist of information of Unclaimed Moneys in the list of assets.


6. Original documents or confirmation letter (if applicable)




**           The Faraid Certificate is not a Letter of Administration.


**           Court Orders/Grants of Probate/Letters of Administration from foreign courts must be   registered in and sealed by the High Court of Malaya.


**            Copies of documents must be certified by the agencies issuing the documents.


**           If the unclaimed moneys amount exceeding RM2,000 and the detail in the Letter of Administration/ Grant of Probate and the list of assets are complete and match with the Registrar's record, the applicant will be excluded from Confirmation Letter.





For claims of Unclaimed Moneys of up to RM2,000, in the event that the Letter of Administration is not available leniency is given by providing the following documents:

 i. A copy of a document attesting the relationship, for e.g.: Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, etc.

ii. Duly completed General 80 form and Indemnity Bond form (UMA-8) signed before a Sessions Court Judge, Magistrate or Commissioner for Oaths, applicant and witness with a RM10 revenue stamp endorsed by Inland Revenue Board (IRB).

Note: ORIGINAL documents must be submitted via counter/registered post within 7 working days upon submission of online application

1.     Form UMA-7 duly completed and signed by the liquidator, stating his name and designation, and affi­xed with the companyâ??s/firmâ??s offi­cial seal.

2.     A copy of the certificate of registration of the company/firm and change of name (if applicable) which owns the UM.

3.     A copy of the appointed liquidatorâ??s identity card (both sides).

4.     A copy of bank statement (active current account) bearing the name, registration number and account number of the company in liquidation (payment will be directly credited into the account).

5.     A copy of the document(s) in relation to the liquidation of the company/firm as follows:


i. Form 70/71/72 or other forms under Section 513 (1) â??Notice of Appointment and Address of Liquidator (Court Winding Up/ Creditors

Winding Up/Voluntary Winding Up) together with court order (Court Winding Up) certified by Companies Commission of Malaysia



i. A copy of the Appointment of Liquidator certified by the Malaysian Cooperative Societies Commission; and

ii. A copy of the Revocation of Registration Order after Inspection certified by the Malaysian Cooperative Societies Commission.


Association/Trade Union

i. A copy of the Revocation Order issued by the Registrar of Society certified by the Malaysian Department of Insolvency


Other document(s) by types of claims.

The completed application together with the printed unclaimed moneys and supporting documents may be submitted by post or by hand at the Registrar Office counter or any Accountant General's Department of Malaysia state/branch office through this following link:



       Mailing Address BWTD (Headquarter Office):-

Pejabat Pendaftar Wang Tak Dituntut

Bahagian Pengurusan Wang Tak Dituntut

Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia

Aras 1, Blok Utara, Perbendaharaan 2,

Kompleks Kementerian Kewangan,

No. 7, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 2,

            62594, Putrajaya    


      Counter Address BWTD (Headquarter Office):-

            Pejabat Pendaftar Wang Tak Dituntut
            Bahagian Pengurusan Wang Tak Dituntut
            Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia
            Aras 1, Blok Selatan, Perbendaharaan 2,
            Kompleks Kementerian Kewangan,
            No. 7, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 2,

          62594, Putrajaya    

      Business hours BWTD (Headquarter Office):-

            Monday - Thursday : 9.00 am - 4.00 pm (Close 12.30 noon till 2.00 pm)

            Friday                       : 9.00 am - 4.00 pm (Close 12.15 noon till 2.45 pm)

            Close                        : Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays


Note: The Registrar of Unclaimed Moneys has absolute authority and right to request for any additional document other than the documents already submitted by the applicant for the purposes of verifying the rightful owner.



Application form, the Bankruptcy Bond form and the example of the company/firm confirmation letter can be downloaded via tab "Download"

The registrar will issue a query letter stating the incomplete document and returning all the supporting documents along with the application form to the applicant.

eGUMIS Portal provides the following facilities:

  1. payment of Unclaimed Moneys (UM) via FPX;
  2. upload encrypted softcopy of UM Register online;
  3. status of online UM submission;
  4. download online UM submission receipt;
  5. download query letter of online UM submission; and
  6. update company's/firm's information in the Registrar's of UM system.

To make an online UM submission, first company/firm shall make UM payment via the eGUMIS Portal. Once the payment is successful, company/firm shall upload the encrypted softcopy of UM Register. UM Register must be prepared according to the format specified by the UM Registrar

Online UM submission can only be made by a company/firm who has applied for the eGUMIS Portal access by submitting UMA-1 form to the Registrar of UM.

To register as a user for the eGUMIS Portal, the company/firm must complete UMA-1 form. The form can be downloaded from the following link: http://www.anm.gov.my/index.php/en/khidmat/wang-tak-dituntut. Completed UMA-1 form must be submitted to the Registrar of UM. The Registrar will send temporary ID and password to the authorized officer(s) of the company/firm by e-mail.

Document that need to be uploaded is encrypted softcopy of UM Register. Company/firm shall use encryption key set by the Registrar of UM.

Format and guidelines for the preparation of the UM Register can be downloaded from the following link: http://www.anm.gov.my/index.php/en/khidmat/wang-tak-dituntut.

The official receipt can be downloaded via the eGUMIS Portal only after the online UM submission is successful, processed and accounted for by the Registrar of UM.

If the company/firm encounters any technical difficulties when performing online UM submission, the company/firm shall contact:

Account Unit

Bahagian Pengurusan Wang Tak Dituntut

Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia

Aras 1, Blok Utara, Perbendaharaan 2

Kompleks Kementerian Kewangan

No. 7 Persiaran Perdana

Presint 2

62594 Putrajaya
